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5 Sales Strategies that Turn Leads into Customers

Converting leads into profit can be done using a thoughtful sales strategy–don’t let past difficulties or challenges convince you otherwise. 

Crafting a sales strategy that works is an ongoing process that needs the full attention of business owners. Once the strategies are in place, however, it can deliver sustainable profits.

Our five sales strategies for small businesses cover areas where businesses have a big opportunity for earning loyal customers. If a business can get these strategies implemented, it will be on much better footing to improve sales. 

The goal is to craft a unique strategy that works for your business, not a cookie-cutter strategy. Here are five sales strategies you should focus on for improving your small business sales.

Collect Data with Sales Software

Sales strategies for small businesses require data. If you want to be successful in business, you’ll want to use that data to generate targeted sales strategies.

Do you have sales goals for your business? Do you know your current sales metrics?

Many businesses miss out on the importance of tracking sales. This data reveals a lot about your sales, including:

  • Average sale per customer
  • Most popular products
  • Sales by the time of day
  • Sales by region (e-commerce)

To collect this kind of data, your business needs sales software. There are a variety of options whether you operate online or in a brick-and-mortar. Online businesses often have built-in data trackers into the website service, like Shopify.

For brick-and-mortar businesses, card processing providers often have data services on offer. 

In any case, third-party providers work seamlessly with whatever you need. Find the right sales software for you and use the data to target leads similar to existing customers. 

Choose Your Targets Carefully

Similar to creating goals, business owners need to define their ideal buyer persona. Without a persona, you cannot advertise effectively.

If you want to create a buyer persona, you want to start off by coming up with a profile of the ideal prospective buyer. 

Make a survey and share it via email and social media to a wide customer base. Existing customers will welcome a survey, especially when paired with an exclusive offering, like discounts or coupons. 

You’ll want to take note of details like their age, income, gender, and what they like about your products.

This specific data guides your advertising efforts. The buyer persona narrows your search for leads into people most likely to convert. 

When advertising on social media, this persona is easy to target. Social media platforms allow you to narrow the paid ads down to the zip code, gender, and time of day users are active.

Offer Customers Free Stuff

Free trials, free shipping, discounts, and exclusive deals convert leads especially well.

This works great because it reduces opportunity costs. Potential leads sometimes need an extra push to purchase a good or service. No matter how good a product is, it’s important to make a customer feel like they’re getting additional value.

One way to put this into practice is through a landing page on your website. Create something you can easily afford to give for free. Make the only details that you require simple information, like email and name. 

This feels like a very low cost to entry for customers. It also gives valuable customer data to your business at a lost cost. With emails, you can send newsletters and product updates to keep the customer engaged. 

To get them to make a purchase, give them a taste of what your business offers.

Create A Content Marketing Plan

A targeted audience needs something to draw them in. Content is an excellent draw for sales.

But not all content is created equal. You have to create something that offers relatable value to customers. For example, make a high-quality instructional video that shows potential customers your expertise. Write blogs on secret tricks of the trade. Make it seem like you know something no one else does and draw people in. 

A popular option for content marketing is to write a blog that offers advice or tips, then use it as the free item a customer receives as a promotion.

Build Loyalty for Long Term Profits

Customer service does not end with a purchase. It’s important to follow up with customers to ensure a positive experience.

Ongoing engagement with customers is easily overlooked. That’s why email marketing is an excellent sales strategy for any small business. 

For example, follow up an abandoned cart with an email to entice them to reconsider their purchase. Another way to stay engaged is with an email asking for a review after a customer has purchased your product.

Customers love to give feedback when it’s made easy for them. Shooting a quick email once they have been through the sales funnel makes them feel cared for. Controlling the post-purchase experience provides an enduring feeling for long-term purchases. 

In the same token, customers need fast replies to questions or problems. Social media messaging is an easy platform to answer questions. A chat option on your website is another method of connecting with customers.

Having a good reputation is key to generating sales using customer service.

Strategies and Advice for Your Success

With these five tips, you have ample food for thought for improving sales strategies. 

For more sales strategies for small businesses or for advice on HR and startup tips, look to our other articles. 

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