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Be Like MacGyver: Trick Out Your Phone with Mobile Apps

If you’re like me, you unwrapped a new mobile phone this holiday season. While it doesn’t come with that new car smell, it does deliver crisp, clear photos and videos, crazy customization options and some darn good bass.

But the reality of a phone these days — regardless of the built-in bells and whistles — is that what you get out of it depends on what you, well, install. Personally, I like my phone supercharged with apps, ready to MacGyver my way through any communications conundrum or miscellaneous tough spot. As they say, “There’s an app for that.”

Want to be like television’s favorite action hero, too? Check out Money magazine’s recent article, “5 Ways to Trick Out Your Phone for Ultra Productivity“.

As author Rick Broida declares, “A phone is no longer just a phone. It’s now a virtual Swiss Army knife that—particularly once you’ve added a few apps and extras — can help you navigate your surroundings (both close to home and further afield), run a business, entertain yourself, manage your financial life, and (yes) handle all your communications needs.”

As Broida continues, one major way to trick out your phone and boost productivity is by adding conference calling power. “Fire up the app… it’s free and available for both Android and iOS.”

Check out more productivity tips to start the new year off with apps that are sure to turn you into a smartphone ninja.





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