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4 Essential Meetings Team Managers Should Have with Their Teams

Use Conferencing to Stay on Top of Your Teams Progress

As the head of your department, you want to make sure everyone on your team is on the same page and operating in a similar fashion.

One way to get your team following the same standard operating procedures is to hold meetings that bring value to your colleagues. You have a responsibility to your team to bring everyone up to speed and heading towards the right direction.

These are the four essential meetings you should have with your department to improve your business’s communications and efficiency.

  1. Weekly Updates
  2. Policy or Operating Changes
  3. New Developments in the Space
  4. New Hires

Meetings help businesses perform their best. StartMeeting gives businesses the tools to collaborate with internal teams and boost productivity. Leverage StartMeeting’s video conferencing tools to host meetings any time.

1. Weekly Updates

Data constantly changes. Projects are completed and work gets done. As your business accomplishes its goals, new goals are set.

You want to make sure everyone on your team understands their role in the larger picture and continues to move forward on their tasks. A weekly update serves to inform your team to new assignments and check up on current tasks.

During weekly meetings, go through each item in your project management list that your team is responsible for and go over any details relevant to that task. This time also serves as an opportunity for team members to ask questions or seek help from colleagues. Help your team by clarifying their responsibilities and making sure everyone’s working efficiently.

2. Policy or Operating Changes

When a new process is implemented into your department, it’s important that everyone understands the change and knows what to do in case they have any questions on the matter.

As companies grow, policies may change to accommodate the growing number of employees or match the increasing number of customers. Teams that have been following a standard operating procedure for some time may be hesitant to adopt new changes in the way a company performs its services.

Hosting a meeting detailing why the change was implemented and how employees can adjust to the change can mitigate the discontent among team members and make it easier to assimilate the changes.

3. New Developments in the Space

As competitors join and drop from your business’s market space, changes can have lasting impacts on the way your company operates. Not only will this affect your business, it affects everyone at the company.

Departments may need to shift their efforts to accommodate new developments and stay innovative. Additionally, these meetings can also serve to brainstorm new developments to disrupt your space. If your teams on the edge of something fresh and brand new, it’s good to schedule a dedicated time where your team can brainstorm new projects and assign responsibilities.

4. New Hires

When adding new members to a team, it can take some time for them to assimilate to the rest of the team. To speed up the process, you want to schedule a meeting to break the ice and introduce your new hires to the rest of your team.

Often, introductory meetings can run short. Another option is to host your meeting over lunch so everyone gets a chance to share parts of their personality and become more familiar with one another.

A team that interacts with one another is more likely to help one another and share key information that could benefit their position.

As your company grows, you’ll want to continue to host meetings to keep everyone posted about new information. For more helpful tips on hosting professional meetings, visit our blog!

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