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Helping Americans with Disabilities Achieve Their American Dream

Learn about National Disability Institute’s pioneering work through its American Dream Employment Network (ADEN), a consortium of service providers and employers working together to create a path to a career and financial self-sufficiency for individuals with disabilities, who are currently receiving Social Security disability benefits, and want to return to, or begin working for the first time.

At, our mission is to help as many people around the world as possible.

As part of that commitment, we highlight organizations making a difference around the globe. We’re working with the National Disability Institute (NDI) to bring greater awareness and understanding within the disability and financial communities to improve the financial health and economic security for people with disabilities and their families. and NDI share a common goal to build inclusive communities that value the economic participation and contributions of people with disabilities.

American Dream Employment Network

The American Dream Employment Network (ADEN), a division of National Disability Institute, provides technical assistance and training to employment service providers, such as American Job Centers, Employers, Community Rehabilitation Providers and independent vocational rehab professionals, from across the country, providing high quality employment services to Social Security disability beneficiaries through Social Security Administration’s (SSA) Ticket to Work program.

Over a period of five years (2015-2020), individuals who have received Social Security disability benefits and who have chosen to receive employment and benefit advisement services from the American Dream Employment Network, have earned more than $10 million in wages!

These wages contribute an estimated $1.2 Million to the federal tax base, while saving more than an estimated $1.9 Million from the SSA trust fund.

Who does ADEN serve?

ADEN serves job seekers who receive Social Security disability benefits, employment service providers and employers. For job seekers, ADEN provides comprehensive employment supports and disability benefits advisement to individuals between the ages of 18-64 who are receiving Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits. For employment service providers, who already provide employment services to individuals with disabilities, ADEN offers the opportunity to participate in the Ticket to Work program and receive administrative support. For employers, ADEN works closely with employers that have an interest in diversifying their workforce by capitalizing on the talents individuals with disabilities bring to the workplace.

To learn more

A division of National Disability Institute, ADEN is an approved Employment Network operating under Social Security’s Ticket to Work program. In addition to providing information on the Ticket to Work program for SSA disability beneficiaries, the ADEN website offers resources for people with disabilities and for employers, including ADEN success stories of people with disabilities who became employed with the support of ADEN members. To learn more, visit the American Dream Employment Network website.

In addition to the ADEN, National Disability Institute offers other free resources including online courses, webinars, podcasts, newsletters, research, publications and financial education.

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