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How to Ace Your Next Job Interview

A job interview is an exciting opportunity, but for some the pressure can be nerve-wracking. Alleviate the pressure and prepare for success with the right kind of research and practice. 

Once you have a good understanding of what happens during your interview, you can better prepare yourself for what’s to be expected. Our tips help you make a great first impression with your employer.

In this article, we’re giving you five helpful tips and strategies to help you ace your next interview and land your dream job.

1. Research industry-relevant or job-specific questions.

Your first step towards acing your next job interview is to research the types of questions you’ll likely come across during your meeting.

Find out what skills, traits or qualifications are relevant for the job you are interviewing for. The job listing is your most important resource. Study the qualifications mentioned in the listing and find ways to showcase your skills in the responses you give to your future employer.

Searching industry-related keywords online will provide you with examples of details that your future employer wants to see in an employee.

After researching, think of questions an employer might ask to gauge your ability. Prepare for questions like: 

“How do you work in fast/slow paced environments?”,
“How do you work alone/in teams?” and
“Have you had experience with this before?”

Practice speaking to your strengths in these areas. Reflect on your experiences in work or school that prepared you for this new opportunity. Even if you lack job-related experience, you can still impress an employer by demonstrating a capability to learn new skills.

2. Practice answering common interview questions.

Your prospective employer is interested in getting to know you. Expect at least one question that attempts to get a glimpse of your personality.

This type of questioning is important. Common interview get-to-know-you questions include:

  1. Tell me about yourself.” This direct and open-ended question gives you an opportunity to briefly introduce yourself as well as tie into your qualifications as a person. Talk about yourself in a neutral to positive manner. Mention hobbies, fun facts and your family.
  2. Why should we hire you?” Prepare a concise and focused sales pitch for yourself. Be sure to mention your qualifications, but simply regurgitating points from your resume isn’t answering this question to its full potential. Think about soft skills that could make you stand out from other applicants with similar experiences.
  3. What is your greatest strength/weakness?” Choose a strength that qualifies you for the job. Discussing one of your weaknesses is an opportunity to show humility and self-awareness. Be sure to spin your weakness into a neutral or positive anecdote and mention ways you mitigate or utilize this weakness.
  4. Why do you want this job?” Your interviewer will appreciate being your first choice. Research the company culture and show that you’re in line with their values. Demonstrate that you’re invested in the work you would be doing.

When talking about yourself, always remember that your responses influence what your employer thinks of you. Tie in relevant skills wherever you can. For example, you could speak to your attention to detail by sharing your artistic hobbies or your teamwork skills by sharing your interest in playing sports.

3. Have realistic and negotiable salary expectations.

Research industry standards using reputable resources, like Glassdoor. Don’t overprice yourself and be willing to negotiate things like scheduling flexibility and vacation time. Understand what value you bring to the team and settle for an amount you feel is good for the work you plan to put into the company.

Know your worth and be honest about your expectations. Remain flexible and open to working with your prospective employer. 

4. Prepare to speak and respond with confidence. 

Employers seek qualified, capable candidates. During your interview, you will be advocating for yourself and your capabilities.

Be mindful of your body language. Body language is a powerful nonverbal communication tool. Posture, eye contact and hand gestures can help win over your interviewer.

Sit all the way back in your seat and don’t slouch. Alert and confident body posture signals assurance. When listening, nod your head. Nodding shows attentiveness and makes the speaker feel heard. When speaking, use hand gestures to express your enthusiasm.

5. Participate in a mock interview.

If you’ve never experienced an interview before or you haven’t in a long time, consider participating in a mock interview. A practice interview will give you the experience you seek. Ask a friend or visit a local career center. 

Your mock interviewer may ask questions from a list you’ve provided or questions they’ve sourced themselves. Many people dress the part for their mock interview as well, so consider getting into character for the experience.

Bookmark this page for reference along your job hunt. Good luck!

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