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6 Reasons to Host an Online Meeting for Business

Businesses rely on meetings to share key performance goals and valuable data. Meetings serve to move projects forward and help teams get things done.

When organizations don’t have meetings, they tend to lack direction and focus. However, getting together can be tough. Employees work from different locations and everyone’s working off different schedules. That’s where online meetings can become a great tool for getting things done.

Here are six really great reasons to host an online meeting with your business team.

1. Group Projects

If you have team members you’re collaborating with, an online meeting can help you stay in touch and communicate to key details about your project.

Whether using audio or video, getting together to discuss the project in greater depth allows each team member to voice their opinion and add to the conversation.

Maybe you made a mistake early in your calculation and carried those numbers with you throughout the project—hosting a meeting where you can openly discuss information, share documents and cross-reference your figures gives you a second or third attestation.

Video calling with screen sharing takes collaboration on group projects a step further and allows teams to share on-screen data directly to team members. This feature mirrors a user’s screen and displays it on the guests’ feeds for all participants to follow along.

2. Annual Review

An important reason to host a meeting is to give all the employees at your company an annual update on your business’s progress. If your company operates from multiple locations, having employees join a company-wide video conference online saves you time and travel expenses.

During this meeting, the CEO and other executives lay out yearly goals, list accomplishments and address each department’s contributions directly.

Annual reviews are incredibly important for helping your business stay united towards a common goal. From this meeting, each member of your organization can greater understand their role in the company and perform their duties with a greater focus.

3. Product and Services Release

The products and services at your company are your bread and butter. This is the part of your business that draws in the most revenue, if not all. Product knowledge across the company is extremely important at maintaining consistency and ensuring your product’s integrity.

It’s super important that everyone at your company understand what your company does. Knowledge of the company greatly improves the rate at which things get done.

What’s more, not only are company-wide releases important for helping employees stay knowledgeable about your products or services, it gives your employees something to talk about. Let your employees continue the conversation after your meetings so they can help move your company forward.

4. Weekly Department Updates

No matter if you’re managing a department of developers or team of executives, you’ll want to schedule regular updates to go over your collective progress. Weekly meetings serve two purposes: 1. assign accountability for assignments and 2. provide support for any overwhelming tasks.

With every weekly meeting, teams can get together and solve issues that hold projects behind. In addition, weekly meetings allow groups to track progress, develop new ideas and check in with all the members of the team.

5. Policy Changes or Changes in Workflow

When a process changes, you’ll want to communicate that information clearly to your organization. Employees that miss updates to workflow or policy changes can often make the same mistake over and over until they’re told otherwise.

Whenever your company or department has a change in its policy or workflow, you’ll want to make a formal announcement to ensure all members of your team are on the same page regarding how the company should function. This meeting prevents any discrepancies between standard operating procedures and brings everyone at your company up to speed.

6. Company Achievements and Landmarks

While it’s very important to schedule meetings to move projects forward, it can also be a great idea to take a step back to value what your company has already accomplished. Taking the time to congratulate individual departments and employees boosts company morale and encourages a better work environment.

With any good leadership, giving back time to the men and women that helped build the organization can be a big deal in creating momentum going forward.

Scheduling or hosting a meeting does not have to be scary or intimidating. Now that you’re equipped with more reasons to have a meeting at your organization, you’re more than ready to lead your team towards success! Get the best video conferecing for small businesses at

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